Reset Complete!


Seriously though, if you haven’t seen Scott Pilgrim versus the World, go out and rent it, it’s an awesome movie.

Day 22 is Here

First off I have to apologize for not keeping up with this blog like I intended to.  The truth is, I have gotten nothing but positive results from the Beachbody Ultimate Reset, and I ran out of ways to say it.  It would not be an interesting read for me to make a new post every night that said, “I had incredible energy today” and “here is what I cooked!”  But that’s exactly what would’ve happened.

I believe my last post was regarding the end of the 2nd week, the detox phase, and the beginning of the final phase- Restore.  Restore involved feeding my body healthy “flora” for my freshly scrubbed colon, as well as prebiotics and probiotics.  Now I’m not a health expert, so I can’t really explain what that means, but I just followed my instructions and watched the magic happen.

I’ve really enjoyed learning to cook throughout this program, and not only that, but cook healthy things.  One day I’m going to have children and it’s nice to know now that we’ll be able to raise them on good green food that we cook ourselves.  This has been an incredible journey, from regaining my energy, to spending some one on one time with my white porcelain bathroom mate, this has absolutely the best thing I’ve ever done for myself.

I’ve never recommended a health program to anybody

People that know me know that ever since I gained the Freshman 15 in college, my weight has been going up consistently, and that I have tried almost everything to recover.  I’ve tried a couple of Beachbody products as well, and they didn’t work.  For the Record, I’ve been through the following programs and none of them worked for me:

  1. P90X
  2. Couch to 5K
  3. Boot Camp
  4. Weight Watchers
  5. Swimming
  6. Pedometer
  7. Heart rate monitors and more

This Beachbody Ultimate Reset does not even market itself as a weight loss tool! It is designed to literally reset your body to an optimal state so that you can take over and feel good again.  Weight loss is just a very nice side effect. However in only 21 days, this is what it did for me:

6′ tall and 224 lbs.

This was me on April 19, 2012 (The beginning)

End of Week 1

This was me on April 26, 2012 (End of week 1)

End of Program

This is me now, May 10, 2012 (End of Reset)

That’s absolutely right!  In just 3 short weeks I lost 19 pounds!  Can you believe it?  I know I can’t!  This is with ZERO exercise. All I did was radically change my diet and increase my water intake in accordance with the Reset, and these are my results.  And as you can see from above I’ve got some kickass vegan powers as well.  I can tell you for sure that I’m definitely not going to stay a vegan, but I’ll be slowly reintroducing foods that are healthy for me, but weren’t allowed on the plan.  Foods like chicken, whole grain bread, and organic milk, which I really miss.  I plan on continuing with my salads, and restarting my exercise.  In fact, in celebration I ran 3 miles today and felt absolutely no pain.  Before this I suffered from major shin splints, and my legs got tired easily.  Not anymore, or at least not today.  I can now couple my new eating habits with my cardio workouts and hopefully get down to my goal weight of 185. Only 20 more to go!

The Contract

My wife is so sweet she drafted a contract for me to sign which goes into effect today.  For all of you in my situation, it’s not a bad idea.  So here is my eating contract until these 20 go away:

I, Ronnie Carney, will abide by the following diet rules in accordance with my diet regime, effective immediately Thursday, May 10, 2012 at 12 a.m. Central:

  1. will not consume fried foods (e.g. French fries, fried chicken, and potato chips.)
  2. will not consume sweets (e.g. candy, donuts, and cupcakes)
  3. will not consume carbonated or alcoholic beverages or sweet tea.
  4. will drink water of 100% pure fruit juice during mealtime.
  5. I am occasionally allowed to break away from the above diet rules under special circumstances (e.g. birthday celebrations, weddings, Thanksgiving, and Christmas.)
  6. I acknowledge that this contract remains effective until I accomplish my goal weight of 185 lbs.

I of course signed this enthusiastically. 🙂

So I’ve come to the end of my ultimate reset and strongly encourage everybody to do this.  It was a very fun ride, and it really did kill all of my cravings for sugar and unhealthy things.  I look forward to fulfilling my new year’s resolution of dropping all my weight.  I plan to start drinking Shakeology and restarting P90X next week with renewed energy and determination.  This blog is not completely dead. I will periodically update it with my progress, so I hope that you check back regularly.  Until then…

Thank you world, for resetting me.

2 thoughts on “Reset Complete!

  1. Diana says:

    I’m so proud of you, sweetie!!! You did such an awesome job with this detox program!!! Yay!!! ❤

  2. fitclubnetwork says:

    Really awesome results. 21 days. No exercise! Really shows you what clean eating can do for you. Congrats. You’ve earned it.

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